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Farm Frenzy

Created with

Avi Dixit, Michael Canche, Kaihao Tian, Kewen Huang


Game Designer and Coder

Project type

Unity game

Ever want to play a not overly competitive but super fun game with your friends and family? Farm Frenzy will turn you into little duck farmers with funky movements . Players will be in teams, and their goal is earn the most points by grabbing and planting seeds and selling the produce. More than that, you can push and knock other duckies out to rob them. It's up to the players on strategizing how to win.

As a designer, I made major decisions in the player interactions and game mechanics. As a coder, I implemented ragdoll physics on the duckies to give them a GangBeast style movements, and scripted player interaction/combat mechanisms. Hover on the video to watch demonstration clips.
(This project is still currently under progress. The team expects to offer a comprehensive game experience with tutorials, more levels and player modes.)

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